Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 797/KPT/I/2019 dated September 9, 2019.
Vision Mision
Vision of Diploma IV Agribusiness Fisheries Study Program
“Become a center of science and technology in the application of Fisheries Agribusiness with environmental orientation by 2035”
Mision of Fisheries Agribusiness Study Program :
- Conduct education based on Science and Technology in order to produce profesional and skilled graduates in Fisheries Agribusines.
- Develop qualififed and competitive applied research in Fishery Agribusiness based on local wisdom while having an environmental orientation .
- Carrying out comunity service in order to disseminate inovative products in Fisheries Agribusiness for the welfare of society.
- Maintaning partnership with stakeholder in continuos business management of Fishery.
The goals of Fishery Agribusiness include:
- Producing competitive graduates in Fishery Agribusiness with enterpreneurship, creative and innovative spirits.
- Producing competitive and responsive research products of Fishery Agribusiness together with the development of innovative and environmentally oriented products for the community needs.
- Commited to transformation of sustainable science and technology in Fishery Agribusiness based on enterpreneurship
- Build strategic partnership to strengthen the application of Higher Education's Tri Dharma in Fishery Agribusiness.
Profile and Competence of Graduates
Graduates of the Diploma IV Study Program in Fisheries Agribusiness have a wide employment opportunity in the fisheries sector, including:
- Manager in Fishing and Marine Industry
- Consultant of Fishery Business
- Enterpreneur in Fishing and Marine Business
- Innovator of Community empowerment in social institutions of government, community or Industry.
- Planner/Coordinator/Manager/Facilitator at Non-Governmental Organizations
- Credit/marketing analysts in the banking sector and other financial institutions
- Public Civil Service and
- Researcher
Implement vocational education model, the learning process in Fishery Agribusiness Diploma IV put more emphasizes on practicum activities contribute to 60% (86 credits) of the 146 credits during 8 semesters (4 years) while class teaching contribute only 40 % (60 credits). Some of the specific subjects offered in the course including: Agromina Tourism, Fisheries Business Ethics, , Fisheries Business Plan, Business Policy and Partnership, Fisheries Products Retail Business, Fisheries Business Risk Management, Export import of Fisheries Products Fisheries Business Information System and Fisheries Products Packaging Technology.